Pipeline Inspection and Monitoring Services

Safeguarding your pipeline is critical to maintaining safe operations along your right-of-way. Bolin’s One-Call Activity Monitor (OCAM) program is specially designed to help protect your pipeline from damage, intrusion and vandalism. Whether you’re interested in damage prevention, pipeline inspections, pipeline monitoring, third-party excavation inspection, or pipeline locating, Bolin’s One-Call Activity Monitors can help.


What are One-Call Activity Monitors?

One-Call Activity Monitors are pipeline personnel trained to monitor, inspect, and follow up on third-party excavators performing work in or near the pipeline right-of-way. Bolin One-Call Activity Monitors are trained to work alongside and assist your One-Call technicians to safeguard your pipeline and facilities.


Why is pipeline monitoring important?

  • 90% of excavation-related accidents occur along pipeline rights-of-way where they may impact public safety. Even when third-party contractors place a One-Call, they sometimes deviate from their plans. Bolin One-Call Activity Monitors help to protect:
    • the excavator
    • the homeowner
    • the public
    • the environment
    • the pipeline
  • Farming activities account for nearly 75% of all excavation-related damages to liquid pipelines. These activities include:
    • drain tile installation
    • deep tilling
    • digging a pond
    • installing fence posts
    • digging wells or septic systems

Having a trusted pipeline monitoring program in place can help prevent this type of damage.


How does Bolin perform pipeline monitoring?

Bolin One-Call Activity Monitors work directly with your One-Call technicians to assure the following activities are being conducted in order to safeguard your pipeline:

  • Perform continuous, periodic, or drive-by pipeline monitoring as assigned by your One-Call technician
  • Contact the excavator via phone call or in person
  • Understand the timing and scope of the excavation activity
  • Ensure company guidelines are adhered to
  • Conduct public awareness hand-outs and information
  • Ensure excavator has an updated One-Call ticket
  • Ensure approved surface crossings are used
  • Document all observed and conducted activities
  • Refresh temporary pipeline markings
  • Install permanent line markers
  • Weed trim roadsides
  • Perform daily reports of each job-site visit using client-provided documentation or Bolin-provided Daily Reports
  • Assist in any project closing documentation

The procedures of the Bolin One-Call Activity Monitor conform to the American Petroleum Institute (API) Recommended Practice 1166 (Excavation Monitoring and Observation).


Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) Audit Readiness

Bolin One-Call Activity Monitors can assist you in being PHMSA Audit ready by:

  • Weed trimming roadsides
  • Weed trimming block valves
  • Weed trimming rectifiers
  • Repairing and replacing damaged line markers
  • Repairing and replacing damaged aerial markers
  • Inspecting Do Not Anchor or Dredge river signs
  • Painting of vent pipes
  • Re-stickering roadside markers
  • Inspecting block valves and stations for proper signage


Additional Pipeline Inspection and Monitoring Services

Bolin One-Call Activity Monitors perform other tasks when not actively monitoring third-party excavators:

  • Patrol the pipeline searching for excavation activities and encroachments
  • Visually inspect waterway crossings and reporting:
    • erosion
    • log jams
    • exposed pipe
    • missing signage
  • Inspect – or assist in inspecting – pipeline spans and exposures
  • Perform roadside weed trimming
  • Replace broken or missing pipeline markers


How do I set up a One-Call Activity Monitor program with Bolin?

Call or email us today to begin your Bolin OCAM program:

Bolin will work with you to establish an OCAM program that meets your pipeline inspection and monitoring needs. We can assign One-Call Activity Monitors from our home location, or hire and train locally to your area.


OQ Certified Monitors

Bolin One-Call Activity Monitors are Operator Qualification (OQ) Trained using National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) curriculum for:

  • Abnormal Operating Conditions Field and Gas (AOCFG)
  • Backfilling
  • Inspect belowground coatings
  • Install permanent and temporary line markers
  • Inspect surface conditions of the right-of-way
  • Locate Pipeline – Pipeline Locating

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